Emily's Story

Orthopedic rehabilitation

Moments after Emily Pool's car accident, she glanced at her contorted hand and wondered if she'd ever play flute again. Her wrist was fractured in six places. At a friend's recommendation, Emily saw an orthopedic trauma surgeon at a Baylor Scott and White hospital. He reviewed the X-rays with her, explaining how screws and a metal plate would secure the delicate bones. After the successful procedure, she worked with a certified hand therapist at Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation to restore the function she needed to play flute. "I'm back to playing. Life is good."

Learn more about how our outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation can help you overcome injuries or impairments affecting your muscles or skeletal system. Whether you have a broken bone, an ACL tear, a joint replacement or you're just trying to get rid of that stubborn back pain, we can help treat a wide variety or musculoskeletal conditions.


View Emily's story by clicking here 

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